A fishway workshop was held as joint workshop between Wetland Ecosystem Conservation subcommittee (SC) and Watershed Management SC at the amphitheater of DOE on 7th March.

Fishway is one of the most important method to restore the ecological network of the Anzali Wetland watershed. Fishway is a structure on artificial barriers (such as dams) to enable migratory fish to go upstream.

Fishway is very common structure in developed countries including Japan. However, there are very few fishways in Iran including the Anzali Wetland watershed.

The fishway installation was planned as an activity of Joint Pilot Activity-2: Wetland Conservation and Restoration Activity under the wetland ecosystem conservation SC of Anzali Wetland Management Committee.

At first, Mr. Watanabe, who is in charge of wetland ecosystem conservation from JET, explained briefly importance of fishway to restore the ecological network of the Anzali Wetland watershed.

Mr. Ota, who is an expert of fish conservation, presented the design of Siphon System Pipe-Type Fishway and its influence in Indonesia and Japan. He is the innovator of the siphon pipe type fishway and he has patent of it. He designed and produced the siphon pipe type fishway for Pasikhan dam as trial.