April 2016

Kayak Training Starts in JBK Village

2016-10-10T15:13:37+03:30April 28th, 2016|Eco Tourism|

JICA Expert Team is now supporting to develop eco-tourism products for local people around the Anzali Wetland. Kayaking is one of the ecotourism activities that could be conducted in Jirsar Bagher Khaleh(JBK) Village, based on feasibility studies done by Ecotourism...

Pelican Migration Starts

2016-10-10T15:15:27+03:30April 6th, 2016|News, Wetland Ecosystem Conservation|

JICA Expert Team detected by using ARGOS system that three Dalmatian Pelicans with transmitter started migration on 30th March. They moved across the border with Azerbaijan and roosted in the Ghizil-Agaj State Reserve, one of Ramsar sites. In order to identify the migratory...

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