In order to raise public awareness about Anzali Wetland conservation, third environmental education program as a joint pilot activity has been conducted for the village headmen in Masal at the Anzali Wetland Environmental Education Centre, located in Selke Wildlife Refuge. 17 village headmen attended at the program.

DOE Gilan environmental education section and DOE Masal carried out this program. JICA Expert Team supported the program entirely. Ms. Masaki, in charge of environmental education expert in the project explained the history of JICA cooperation and existing stage of the Anzali Wetland ecological management project phase II.

Mr. Rahnama from DOE Gilan explained the history of environment organization and related rules and regulations and importance of conserving it.

Mr. Gazelhossein from DOE Gilan from DOE Gilan explained waste management both of Anzali Wetland and Masal, and relation between both areas.

DOE Gilan and DOE Masal will implement same program at twice time in the future.