Fish way is one of the most important method to restore the ecological network of the Anzali Wetland watershed.

The fish way installation was planned as an activity of Joint Pilot Activity-2: Wetland Conservation and Restoration Activity under the wetland ecosystem conservation Sub Committee of Anzali Wetland Management Committee.

Fishway is a structure on artificial barriers (such as dams) to enable migratory fish to go upstream.

JICA Expert Team proposed the Pasikhan Dam (N37.258596, E49.474079) in Pasikhan River as a trial site to install a fishway. Siphon pipe type fishway is selected as a appropriate fishway type for the Pasikhan dam. It can be installed without any damage to dam because of simple structure of this fishway.

Mr.Ota is the innovator of the siphon pipe type fishway and he has patent of it. He designed and produced the siphon pipe type fishway for Pasikhan dam as trial. JICA Expert Team lead by Mr. Ota installed first one on 3rd March and second one was installed on 9th March. This is first time to install this type of fishway in Iran. Fish migration season has not started right now, therefore we need to monitor the fishway after Norouz.