Following opening of the first Lotus festival, which was held from 28th July to 30th July, 2015, DOE Anzali, set up a stand to introduce DOE Anzali materials as well as the materials prepared by the Anzali Wetland Ecological Management Project Phase I in cooperation with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to the visitors, particularly school students. The materials included two books (Introduction to Birds in the Anzali Wetland for students of primary level, and Introduction to the Ecosystem in Anzali Wetland, for secondary level students), caps bearing Anzali Wetland Conservation Logo, and newsletters.

Lotus Festival

The contents of the booklets were introduced to the students by DOE Anzali environmental education expert. The students of primary level became familiar with Anzali Wetland and its birds indirectly through playing two games from the books. They also made paper lotus, which is the symbol of Anzali Wetland, using origami art skills.

Lotus Festival