Bird Watching Program held for Students

A Bird Watching program was held on 5th February, 2018 in Anzali Wetland Environmental Education Center, located in Selke Wildlife Refuge.

This program has been implemented in cooperation with the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adult (Kanoon) Gilan, Department of Environment (DOE), and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), for 21 girl students of Noor Private Secondary School from Rasht with 2 other staffs from these schools, and a Cultural Expert from Kanoon.

In indoor activity students received general information about Anzali Wetland and Wetland Ecosystem, the issues and methods of how to conserve the Anzali Wetland through the explanation from Ms. Ebrahimifar, Cultural Expert, Kanoon from the “Anzali Wetland Ecosystem” booklet, and asked several questions.

Afterward the participated students visited Bird Watching Tower to observe the wintering birds such as Ducks, Mallards, Egret, Coot, Teals, and etc., and after backing to class by using the carts which introduce birds, play an environmental game to learn ecosystem and bird life.

In this program students watch the plants under the microscopes, and “Life in Anzali Wetland” DVD was shown to students.

Related links:

Bird Watching Program Held for Students of Imam Jafar Sadegh Secondary School from Nokhaleh 
Bird Watching Program Held for Students of Kosar Secondary School from Anzali City
2018-03-05T15:01:34+03:30March 5th, 2018|Environmental Education|
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