World Wetlands Day event named “Friendship with Wetland” was opened in presence of related officials and more than 70 students in the center No.3 of Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adult (kanoon), and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Expert Team supported the festival technically and financially.

During these 10 days event with the presence of children, young adults, families, and instructors by focus on the implementation of targeted activities such as biodiversity of wetland, organizing wetland tours, Origami Workshop, Book reading, Painting using Organic Color, Showing Environmental Films, Games and other scientific and environmental activities, aims to raise students understanding about Wetlands, especially Anzali Wetland.

Firstly, Mr. Ziaee, Director General of Kanoon, explained about five years of cooperation with DOE, and JICA Expert Team in implementing Environmental Education Activities for children, young adults and even experts and instructors of Kanoon to make them more sensitive to consider and act for Anzali Wetland Conversation up to now. In addition, he mentioned about the forth World Wetland Day Festival in with JICA Technical and Financial support.

Mr. Hitoshi Watanabe, expert of wetland ecosystem conservation and environmental education of the JICA Expert Team of Anzali Wetland Ecological Management Project- phase II also expressed pleasure for the many student participated the experience-based education program in the Anzali Wetland Environmental Education Center in Selkeh constructed by JICA. He emphasized an importance to see, touch and feel real nature and wetland by using the center. In the following, Mr.Watanabe explained the history of cooperation between Kanoon and JICA that the event for WWD celebration is fourth time in the Project. He hoped the WWD event will be continued for long time after the project.

The students, member of Kanoon had a presentation of importance of wetland and a speech of wetland conservation in English. In addition, a theater was performed to keep clean the wetland.

JICA exhibited the real size craft of Dalmatian Pelican in the center No.3 in Rasht. JICA prepared the screen to show video of the Anzali Wetland Environmental Education Center in Selkeh as well.  In addition, JICA exhibited many beautiful photos of Kushiro Wetland in Japan taken by Japanese citizen.

The exhibition is open every day from 3rd to 13th February 2019, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day except Fridays, and it’s free for all the visitors.