This SC aims to recognize current condition of the wetland ecosystem correctly, and to secure the balance of ecosystem to maintain the natural properties of the Anzali Wetland as far as future generations. This SC includes three following working groups:


  1. Wetland Conservation and Restoration WG:
  • This WG aims to survey the current condition of the wetland ecosystem correctly, and to conserve and restore the wetland ecosystem actively from a standpoint of ecological management.


The joint pilot activities in Anzali Wetland Management project- Phase 2 for this WG are:

  • Comprehensive biodiversity field survey in/around the Anzali Wetland in order to clarify the ecosystem baseline and to remove from Monteux Record (ex. Satellite tracking of migratory birds)
  • Restoration of open water and eco‐tone in the drying area
  • Appropriate management of vegetation succession such as reed bed and forest
  • Removal activities of invasive alien species such as Azolla.

The relevant organizations of this WG are:

DOE Gilan, MOJA, Shilat (Fishery Organization), National Inland Water Aquaculture Institute, Wetland Ecosystem Scientist, and NGOs.  


  1. Monitoring WG:
  • This WG aims to monitor the reliable data in/around the wetland constantly for adaptive management of the wetland.


The joint pilot activities in Anzali Wetland Management project- Phase 2 for this WG are:

  • Water Quality, Sediment Quality, Water Level, Economic items
  • Installation of automated measuring instruments such as water level indicator in/around the Anzali Wetland.
  • Monitoring activities based on the Manual Ex) Biodiversity (Birds, Fish, Macrophyte, Phytoplankton, Zooplankton, Benthos).

The relevant organizations of this WG are:

DOE Gilan, PMO, GRWC, GWWC, RWWC, and scientists related to Wetland Ecosystem.

  1. Environmental Zoning and Land use Management WG:

This WG aims to minimize user conflicts by adequate zoning map and guideline for land use to separate potentially conflicting activities based on the current condition in/around the wetland. First zoning plan by phase 1 project was approved by AWMC chaired by Provincial Governor in 2012.

Definition of Zones

Definition of Zones

Permitted Activities of ZonesPermitted Activities of Zones

Zoning map of the anzali

The joint pilot activities in Anzali Wetland Management project- Phase 2 for this WG are:

  • Updating Zoning Plan based on boundary of wetland
  • Formulation of land use management system
  • Making guideline or manual for land use Management in/around the Anzali Wetland
  • Installation of signboard on boundary of Zone
  • Promotion of sustainable use by SATOYAMA Initiative and ICCA (Indigenous Community Conserves Area) such as Ab-Bandan-Dar.


The relevant organizations of this WG are:

DOE Gilan, MOJA Gilan, GRWC, GWWC, NRWGO, Housing foundation, Documents and Property Registry Office, Urban Planning and Architecture, Road and Urban Planning Organization, GCHHTO, Municipalities, Union of Ab-Bandan-Dar and scientists related to Wetland Ecosystem.