The result of the site visit that Mr.Hosono , waste management expert of Jica team, had on 22nd of October, 2017 in DSS for checking out the progress of the JPA in that village was very satisfactory when it is find out accidently that most of the households of DSS village are trying source waste segregation and home composting.
DSS village chief and one of the member of village council accompanied JET in this site visit.
Recently, DSS received a collection vehicle from Gilan Governor Office for accelerating the collection service of dry recyclable waste from those households who are not able to bring their dry waste to the waste station. This station had been constructed by JICA investment last year and already start operation from March 2017.
Dry recyclable collection service is planned to be implemented every Thursday from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. And residual waste is also planned to be collected door-t-door every Wednesday.