A seminar was held at conference room of the Grand Sefid Kenar Hotel on 29th August, 2017 and the site visit was conducted on the next day in order to share the information of the Joint Pilot Activity (JPA) to relevant many organizations including the Forest, Rangeland and Watershed Management Organization (FRWO) in Tehran and Natural Resources and Watershed General Offices (NRWGOs) in other provinces. The JPA is an activity to control erosion in a mountainous area within Anzali Wetland Basin to contribute to Anzali Wetland conservation by reducing sediment amount into the wetland.
The shared information through the seminar and site visit contribute to the capacity development of related organizations, especially NRWGOs which have responsibility to control erosion and sediment in the mountain areas. 54 persons and 34 persons jointed to the seminar and site visit, respectively. The attendants were from FRWO including Mr. Garshasbi, Deputy Head of Department of Watershed Management, Rangeland & Desert Affairs, and 6 members, Gilan Governor’s Office, NRWGOs of Golestan, Sari, Chalus, and Chaharmahal Va Bakhtiyari (managers and experts), JICA Iran Office, the relevant organizations in Gilan (NRWGO, GRWC, Geology Centre, and DEO) and JICA Expert Team (JET) of the Anzali Wetland Project.
The good practices of the watershed management, which consists of study, planning, design and implementation of erosion control, including Japanese technologies and management system was shred to the attendants. The JPA of Anzali Wetland Project was presented by Mr. Imai, watershed management expert of JET. Also, the watershed management activities in Mazandaran Province by NRWGO Sari and Chauluse, Golestan Province, and Chaharmal Va Bakhtiyari Province were presented by each NRWGO representative person. The participants listened to the presentations with high interest. A lot of issues regarding to watershed management were discussed eagerly.
JICA Expert Team hopes strongly that the shared information by the seminar and site visit including Japanese technologies/ management and discussed issues will be utilized for further improvement of capacity of all the participated organizations and will contribute to wetland conservation and mountain conservation in Iran.