Waste entering to the Wetland might not been the only reason for the wetland’s death but it can be one of the factors that can contributes to the Wetland destruction. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent entering the solid waste flowing by the rivers to the Wetland.

For this aim, Jica Expert Team tried a simple structure of waste trapping net that will be easily installed on the width of the rivers ended to the wetland. This activity was one of the JPA of Waste Management SC that has been done under Azali Wetland Ecological Management Project- Phase II.

The trial river nets had been installed on 19th November 2018 at downstream of rivers in two target villages in the Anzali basin named Dahanesar Sheijan and Jiresar Bagher Khale villages As the result of performance monitoring after the net installation, it was found that the Installation of the river waste nets was very effective to capture floating waste and it will have significant impact to prevent waste inflowing to the Anzali Wetland. For monitoring of the nets, the village officers agreed for periodical removal of captured waste in the nets and this continuous monitoring will be very important for having sustainable operation of the nets.

The activity also contributed to raising awareness of the villagers on waste management issue. And It will be most effective if the concerned organization can disseminate the same activity in other villages near the Anzali Wetland.