Following the meeting held in Jirsare Bagherkhaleh (JBK) village on 5th July, attended by all villagers who work in the Center, Village Assistant (Dehyar), Head of Village Council, Village Council members and JET Assistant, it has been decided to ask all villagers of JBK to cooperate in cutting the grass and the thorn bushes behind the of wall near the gazeebos.
On 6th July, (Friday), 15 men from JBK village voluntarily participated in grass and thorn bush cutting activity arranged by the Dehyar. All Village Council members and Dehyar took part in the activity and at the same time, ladies cleaned the center.
Local breakfast was served by ladies in a friendly and happy atmosphere and everybody emphasized the importance of empathy and cooperation among all villagers for protection and success of the center.
JBK Ecotourism Center is open to all guests every day from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. in a traditional and natural environment in Anzali Wetland neighborhood.