The Joint Pilot Activities
Invasive Alien Species Control
- Purpose: To control invasive Alien Species to reduce the pressure to native wetland ecosystem.
- Outcome: Removal activity of Water Hyacinth was conducted and it is now under control. Azolla was dramatically decreased in the summer in 2017.
- Future Plan: Monitoring and Removal Activities should be conducted for long time. Chekoval area still has small community of WH. Therefore, the monitoring and removal activities should be continued.
- Topic: Azolla was introduced in 1980s and widely spread and covered almost water surface in the Anzali Wetland. It was a threat to the wetland for a long time. Fortunately, Azolla was dramatically decreased in the summer in 2017 by natural phenomenon. More than 99.9% of Azolla was disappeared. However small flock of Azolla has been remained in west part of the lagoon and Siakesim Protected Area.