A meeting of the Anzali Wetland Management Committee (AWMC) was held on 10 November, 2016 at the Deputy Governor’s office in the Gilan Provincial governor’s office. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Shabanpour, Deputy Provincial Governor for Development and the secretariat is DOE Gilan office. Various organizations and individuals were attended in the meeting such as BPO, MOJA, GRWC, NRWGO, Crisis Management Organization, National Inland Water Aquaculture Institute (NIWAI), Rasht municipality governor, member of Parliament, and JICA Expert Team. In the meeting, a presentation on sediment composition study in the Anzali Wetland was made by Mr. Fariborz Jamalzad Fallah, Research Deputy of Jihad Daneshgahi, and then, Mr. Aoki, chief advisor of the JICA Anzali Wetland Ecological Management Project – Phase II, presented the latest progress of the Joint Pilot Activities under the Wetland Ecosystem Conservation Sub-committee and Environmental Education Sub-committee of the AWMC and some recommendations on the wetland conservation and AWMC.
AWMC was established in July 2011, chaired by provincial governor. DOE Gilan is in charge of the secretariat of AWMC and various organizations in Gilan Province participate in the AWMC. According to a provincial decree which stipulate the AWMC, the AWMC acts as the only coordinating body between executive agencies and other stakeholders in and around the wetland, covering not only wetland area, but also watershed area of the wetland. Currently, conservation issues and wise-use of the wetland are examined by six technical sub-committees under the AWMC (SCs) and some Joint Pilot Activities under the JICA’s funded project are being implemented by the SCs.