2016, Jan, 26
Jiresare Bagherkhaleh Village (JBK) has been selected as a target village to develop the ecotourism activities. Ecotourism Sub-committee of the Anzali Wetland Management Committee has commenced a handicraft training course as one of the relevant activities to ecotourism development in the village under the Anzali Wetland Ecological Management Project – Phase II. The first session of the program has been held on Tuesday, 26 January, 2016 in the mosque of JBK with attendance of 43 women from the village who were interested in participation in the plan. A professional trainer, Ms. Leila Bordbar had a lecture to the villagers. In the meeting which was in fact the pre-meeting for handy craft program, the trainer asked villagers about their interests, capabilities and experiences regarding the handy crafts, the reasons for their participation were clarified about the program. More practical training will be continued to make some souvenirs by locals to sell to tourists as a new income source.