The Joint Pilot Activities
Student Internet Conference between Rasht/Anzali and Kushiro
- Purpose: To deepen the understanding of importance of wetland conservation through the internet communication between Iranian and Japanese students around the wetland.
- Outcome: The first student internet conference was held between Mirzakoochak Khan secondary school (Iran) and Shibecha secondary school (Japan) on 2nd February 2017. The second one was held between Sharaf secondary school (Iran) and Koryo secondary school (Japan) on 6th February 2018.
- Future Plan: It is expected that the internet communication of Each pair of secondary schools will be continued by themselves.
- Topic: In the Student Internet Conferences, Iranian and Japanese students introduced each other about their school, life, culture and ecology of each wetland (Anzali and Kushiro Wetlands) while having the Skype audio video internet connection. These activities made students familiar with the importance of wetland and promote the friendship between two countries.