The sixth EE workshop for students in summer season was held on 27th August 2016, in Anzali Wetland Education center located in Selke Wildlife refuge.
This EE program has been implemented for 17 boy students and one of the life skill deputy of Shahid Rastravesh secondary school from Rezvanshahr.
In this program, students observed the wetland directly and they got some information about different bird species such as some wintering, summering, and resident birds of Anzali Wetland. Although the appropriate bird watching time is in winter but they learnt how to use the binoculars and tried to observed existent birds in Selke wildlife refuge from the hide bird and bird watching tower.
In the class Ms. Yousefzadeh, the environmental expert from DOE introduced the Anzali Wetland Ecosystem booklet for the secondary level, and the participated students asked some questions about the Anzali wetland biodiversity, fauna and flora, the invasive plants such as Azolla, and Water Hyacinth, and the advantages of this rich ecosystem on the life of local. Then Ms. Masaki, the environmental education expert from JICA expert team, explained the Anzali Wetland Ecological Management- phase 2 and the joint pilot activities under each subcommittees. She introduced some sites and the ongoing activities such for Waste Management, Ecotourism, Watershed Management, Swage Management, and Wetland Ecosystem Conservation subcommittees in those sites and asked the students to visit these sites, if they have the chance.
After watching the DVD prepared in Phase 1, the questionnaires distributed among the students of this EE program.