A mammal survey led by Dr.Naderi in/around the Anzali Wetland, Environmental Sciences Department, Natural Resources Faculty, University of Gilan, was conducted in 2015-2016 as a part of comprehensive ecosystem survey, which is one of the joint pilot activities under the Project. He recently published a short communication about first record of Nathusius’s Pipistrelle in Iran in scientific journal, Zoology in the Middle East.
The survey recorded 21 mammal species in/around the Anzali Wetland. One genus Pipistrellus species was recorded in the survey but not identified in species level because of less information in Iran. The presence of the bat species Nathusius’ Pipistrelle, Pipistrellus nathusii, in Iran had not been confirmed until recently but it had been suspected. The species is widely distributed in Europe. In summer, it occurs mainly in the northeastern European forest zone reaching the southern Ural Mountains in Russia. Females perform long distance seasonal migrations between reproduction and winter areas, the latter being located further south and southwest. The species was expected to be found at least in Northern Iran, along the Caspian shore.
On 19 October 2015, an adult male bat of the genus Pipistrellus was captured in the central region of Anzali wetland near Sorkhankol Wildlife Refuge. The netting site was 2.5 km away from the edge of a riparian forest, in a reed bed dominated by Phragmites sp. and with only very few and isolated small trees (Alnus glutinosa, Salix alba) scattered within the reed bed. The bat was caught 2 m above ground in a mist-net. The bat was identified as P. nathusii according to external morphological characters, especially penis morphology. Genetic identification also clearly assigned the specimen to P. nathusii. We expect the Nathusius’ Pipistrelle to be a regular visitor to the wetlands along the southern shore of the Caspian Sea, since these habitats in Anzali Wetland provide suitable stop-over sites during migration, winter sites and possibly year-round habitats at least for resident males. The Bats play an important role in wetland ecosystem. Some bats including Nathusius’ Pipistrelle eat insects survey also shows the Anzali Wetland is very valuable habitat for wildlife.
as pests. This first record is really great step to understand the Anzali Wetland Ecosystem.
JICA Expert Team continues to support technically and financially the other survey such as fish (ongoing), plant including vegetation, planktons and benthos, amphibian and reptile and insect in/around the Anzali Wetland.